


New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards Announces 2014 Call For Entries 2014年度纽约节国际电视电影奖开始接受参赛报名 发布:纽约节 中国首席代表 吴金君 New Categories for 2014 Include: Best Nonfiction Series, Best Screenplay, Best Host, Business & Finance Documentary, Human Concerns Documentary, Financial & Legal Reporting, Legal Issues Documentary and Corporate Social Responsibility 2014年度新设奖项包括以下类别:最佳非故事片剧集,最佳影视剧本,最佳主持人,商业与金融类纪录片,人类关注课题纪录片,金融与法律报导,法律课题纪录片和企业社会责任奖。 Rose Anderson, Executive Director of NYF’s TV & Film Awards, initiated multiple updates in this year’s competition, among them expanded categories and a website redesign. Updated categories for 2014 include: Best Nonfiction Series, Best Screenplay, Best Host, Business & Finance Documentary, Human Concerns Documentary, Financial & Legal Reporting, Legal Issues Documentary, Corporate Social Responsibility and Student Online Program. 纽约节国际电视电影奖的执行董事罗丝·安德森公布了今年大赛的诸多创新,其中就包括扩大了参赛范围和重新设计网站。2014年度的新设参赛项目包括:最佳非故事片剧集,最佳影视剧本,最佳主持人,商业与金融类纪录片,人类关注课题纪录片,金融与法律报导,法律课题纪录片,企业社会责任奖和学生网络节目奖。 Ms. Anderson had this to say about the changing landscape of the television and film industry: “NYF continues to be responsive to current world-wide creative trends by updating categories as well as creating new ones. Our competition honors and celebrates exceptional and imaginative programs created around the globe. Broadcast, online, exhibition - we welcome all platforms.” 安德森女士提及不断变化的电视和电影产业状况:“纽约节继续以更新参赛项目和创新内容来面对今天全球发生的创新潮流。我们的大赛旨在推崇全球范围内创制的别出心裁和富于想象力的节目。我们欢迎各种展示平台--广播,网络,展会等。” The 2014 Television & Film Awards will take place at the annual NAB Show in Las Vegas on April 8th, 2014. This official partnership with NAB Show, now in its fourth year, showcases the competition to more than 93,000 media and entertainment professionals from 156 countries, including more than 1,700 industry press representatives. 2014年度纽约节电视电影颁奖大会将于2014年4月8日在拉斯维加斯的年度全美广播电视展(NAB)中拉开帷幕。这是其与NAB展第四年的正式合作,将大赛呈献给来自156个国家的93000多位媒体界与娱乐界人士,其中包括1,700多位行业记者代表。 The 2013 Grand Trophy winners were featured in a Creative Master Series session: “Paul Simon’s Graceland Journey: Under African Skies (A&E USA); “Opening Ceremony of the Games of the XXX Olympiad” (IOC/LOCOG/OBS/Done and Dusted/YLE); and “Hatfields & McCoys” (History Channel USA). 2013年度全场大奖得奖作品于“创意大师系列”单元中展出,包括:【保罗·西蒙的恩典大地之旅:非洲“天”下】(美国A&E电视网);【第30届奥林匹克运动会开幕式】(IOC/LOCOG/OBS/Done and Dusted/YLE);以及【哈特菲尔德和麦考伊家族】(美国历史频道)。 Joe Berlinger, Director of 2013’s Grand Trophy winning entry “Paul Simon's Graceland Journey: Under African Skies,” had this to say, “To receive the Grand Award from New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards this past year, from such a strong group of internationally acclaimed nominations was a truly a privilege and memorable moment for me as well as a testament to the strength and quality of the films and shows being produced around the globe.” 2013年全场大奖得奖片【保罗·西蒙的恩典大地之旅:非洲“天”下】的导演乔·柏灵杰表示,“去年面对强劲的国际竞争对手,能从纽约节国际电视电影奖获得大奖,对我而言确实是个荣幸而又难忘的时刻,同时也是对全球出品的电影和电视作品其质量和力量的一次检验。” Hamish Hamilton, award-winning Broadcast Executive Producer and Broadcast Director for Done & Dusted UK commented on earning the 2013 Grand Trophy for “Opening Ceremony of the Games of the XXX Olympiad” (IOC/LOCOG/OBS/Done and Dusted/YLE). “I'd like to thank New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards for this great honour. A project like this involves a huge number of people across many organizations and many disciplines. Thousands of people were involved in front of the camera and many many more behind the camera. We all share this incredible honour. The Ceremonies will doubtless be the time of our lives. Despite the stress and expectation everyone found the energy, courage and vision to create a show that we were proud to broadcast to the world. This award only serves to make the experience even more special.” 英国Done & Dusted公司的广播执行制片人和广播总监哈米什·哈密尔顿,因【第30届奥林匹克运动会开幕式】(IOC/LOCOG/OBS/Done and Dusted/YLE)获得2013年全场大奖,他说,“我为得到这莫大荣誉向纽约节国际电视和电影颁奖大会表示衷心的感谢。这样的节目往往涉及来自许多不同单位不同领域的人倾力相助。成千上万的人们出现在摄像机前,更多的人却在摄像机后面默默地工作。大家都应共同分享这一殊荣。这次颁奖典礼毫无疑问是我们生命中最宝贵的时刻。尽管存在压力和期待,但每位工作同仁都具备足够能量,勇气和视野去创制一个我们倍感自豪的向全世界广播的节目。此奖项令我们这次工作经验更显特殊。” Specialty awards for 2013 included: ESPN USA earned Broadcaster of the Year, The Edge Picture Company UK was awarded Production Company of the Year, and Susan Zirinsky, Senior Executive Producer of the CBS News broadcast 48 HOURS, was the NYF Lifetime Achievement Award recipient. 2013年专业奖得奖者包括:美国娱乐体育电视节目网获得年度广播公司称号,英国边缘影片公司被授予该年度制片公司称号,哥伦比亚广播公司新闻广播节目【48小时】资深执行制片苏珊·梓林斯基,成为纽约节国际电视电影奖终身成就奖得主。 The deadline to enter the 2014 Television & Film Awards competition is October 15, 2013. Entry details and competition rules and regulations can be found on the NYF Television & Film Awards website: www.newyorkfestivals.com. To view a complete list of categories visit: http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/main.php?p=2,3,6. 2014年度纽约节国际电视电影奖报名截止时间为2013年10月25日,具体参赛详情请浏览官方网址: http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/main.php?p=2,3,6 All Entries in the 2014 competition will be judged online and screened by New York Festivals Television & Film Awards Grand Jury of 200 plus producers, directors, writers, and other creative media professionals from around the globe. 所有2014年的参赛作品将由200多位来自世界各地的制片人、导演、作家和其他创意媒体专业人士组成的纽约节电视电影奖大评审团在线上过滤与评审。