
Carter Murray出任博达大桥全球CEO    

Carter Murray出任博达大桥全球CEO

  埃培智集团旗下的博达大桥(DraftFCB)终于完成的2013年的头等要务- 任命全球首席执行官!!!来自扬罗必凯的年仅38岁的Carter Murray将正式执掌这家正遭遇着各种困境的全球创意网络。

  此前,Carter Murray是扬罗必凯北美区的总裁/首席执行官(也是纽约旗舰的首席执行官),不过仅在任一年他就换挡了。能这么年轻就成为一家全球创意网络的掌门人的诱惑力,毫无疑问,是难挡滴。
  在2011年加入扬罗必凯之前,Carter Murray在阳狮广告担任全球首席营销官和雀巢业务组的全球客户主管。来自英国的Murray在美国杜克大学完成学业后,在芝加哥李奥贝纳开始自己的广告生涯,而后转战德国和英国市场,并且迅速成长。
  自2009年开始担任DraftFCB首席执行官的Laurence Boschetto去年突遭解职,并且埃培智开始了为博达大桥寻找新CEO的工作。Laurence Boschetto将会在DraftFCB担任顾问工作(显然也是一个台阶)。
  DRAFT的创始人Howard Draft将继续担任执行董事长一职,不过他将向新任CEO Carter Murray汇报工作!!!(让我想起了同属IPG的LOWE,也是全球董事长Tony Wright需要向CEO汇报工作。。。。这难道是IPG的优良传统?)
  In a statement, Michael Roth, CEO of Draftfcb parent company Interpublic Group, said Murray “understands consumer advertising and brands [and] has demonstrated the ability to motivate diverse teams and raise the quality of creative work, nurture client relationships and win global business.”
  Y&R moved quickly to fill Murray’s North American CEO role, naming insider Matt Anthony to the post. Anthony is one of the four original partners of Y&R digital unit VML and was CEO before handing the reins to Jon Cook in 2001. Since then, he has remained on Y&R’s executive committee and been on assignment at the agency’s Australian operation.
  Y&R global CEO David Sable described Anthony as an “inspired partner” in the eyes of marketers who “believes wholeheartedly in the power of great creative and its ability to drive business.” He assumes his new job immediately.



