《华盛顿邮报》(The Washington Post) 的艺术总监在2022年委托数百名艺术家为一系列主题创作插画,包括艺术、旅游、健康、气候变化和世界杯等主题。以下展示的是来自世界各地的艺术作品。
‘Pandemic love, lost and found’ by artist Alaina Johnson | Art director: Betty Chavarria
‘10 ways to start running even if you kind of hate it’ by artist Luis Mazón | Art director: Chelsea Conrad
‘Less attractive, less picky: How mating is changing in a hotter world’ by artist Dan Woodger | Art director: Emily Sabens
‘Rising rent: Why prices are only going higher’ by artist Studio Mals | Art director: Emily Wright
‘Summer theater is cropping up in unexpected places’ by artist Pierre Mornet | Art director: Alla Dreyvitser
‘Ditch Your Grocery Store. Go Foraging Instead.’ by artist Katty Huertas | Art director: Marissa Vonesh
‘Queen Elizabeth II: A visual timeline of her 70 years on the throne’ by artist Marianna Tomaselli | Art director: Frank Hulley-Jones
‘How to greenify all aspects of your vacation’ by artist Benji Spence | Art director: Talia Trackim
‘21 books to read this summer’ by artist Jentwo, a.k.a. Janejira Taechakampu | Art director: Joanne Lee
‘‘The Seven Moons of Maali Almeida’ is a Booker-winning ghost story’ by artist & art director Hailey Haymond
‘Ocean conservation success stories offer hope and inspiration’ by artist Feng Chen | Art director: Alla Dreyvitser
‘This teenager would sleep for alarming 20-hour stretches’ by artist Cam Cottrill | Art director: Elizabeth von Oehsen
‘5 money-saving tips for eating at restaurants’ by artist Christian Northeast | Art director: Christine Ashack
‘How to get rid of fruit flies — and stop them before they appear’ by artist Ronan Lynam | Art director: Julia Terbrock
‘Self-awareness can improve relationships. Here are tips to build it.’ by artist Marine Buffard | Art director: Chelsea Conrad
‘All the times our kids spooked the %^*! out of us’ by artist Virginia Mori | Art director: Vicky Fogg

‘Inflation explained: How prices took off’ by artist Anna Hrachovec | Art director: Emily Wright
‘The Radicalization of J.D. Vance’ by artist Jonathan Bartlett | Art director: Christian Font
‘After 1 million deaths, covid leaves millions more forever changed’ by artist Hokyoung Kim | Art director: Tyler Remmel
‘Is crypto a house of cards?’ by artist Olivier Bonhomme | Art director: Tucker Harris
‘Inspired life: The best of us’ by artist Stacy Gougoulis | Art director: Dwuan June
‘Looking back at moments in history that resonate today’ by artist Lorenzo Petrantoni | Art director: J.C. Reed
‘The case for leaving America to escape racism’ by artist Diana Ejaita | Art director: Brandon Ferrill
‘Juan Soto and the evolution of pressure’ by artist Cris Clapp Logan | Art director: Brianna Schroer
‘Five preposterously positive Washington Commanders predictions for 2022’ by artist Luca Di Bartolomeo | Art director: Tyler Remmel
‘Kristi Yamaguchi won gold 30 years ago. American figure skating would never look the same.’ by artist Lily Qian | Art director: Virginia Singarayar
‘The 2022 World Cup is here. Here’s who to watch.’ by artist & art director Artur Galocha
‘Female bodybuilders describe widespread sexual exploitation’ by artist Tim McDonagh | Art director: Natalie Vineberg
‘His family fished for generations. Now he’s hauling plastic out of the sea.’ by artist Stef Wong | Art director: Hailey Haymond
‘25 years on, dad and daughter return to ‘Lion King.’ Cue the tears.’ by artist Jin Xia | Art director: Joanne Lee

‘Where to watch the World Cup in D.C.’ by artist Ali Kamara | Art director: José L. Soto
‘How many basketballs can you find?’ by artist Greg Kletsel | Art director: Chloe Meister
‘Messi’s likely last World Cup inspires hope in a beleaguered Argentina’ by artist Robert Bruno | Art director: Michael Domine
‘Gen Z workers demand flexibility, don’t want to be stuffed in a cubicle’ by artist Jiaqi Wang | Art director: Chloe Meister
‘He’s cute. But is he swab-worthy? How rapid testing became a dating ritual.’ by artist & art director Emma Kumer
‘Holiday stress falls more heavily on moms. Here’s how some opt out.’ by artist & art director María Alconada Brooks
‘The power of reclaiming my Asian name’ by artist Sally Deng | Art director: Clare Ramirez
‘Joe Biden is no Jimmy Carter. He should wish he was.’ by artist Katty Huertas | Art director: Andy Braford
‘How a root cellar saved my Ukrainian family when the war came’ by artist Zoë van Dijk | Art director: Christine Ashack
‘Trust me, take a cab in a new city’ by artist Min Heo | Art director: Katty Huertas
‘Why we feel ‘mom guilt’ — and how to stop’ by artist James Steinberg | Art director: Vicky Fogg
‘We thought our dog was having a stroke. She was stoned.’ by artist & art director Elizabeth von Oehsen

‘Queen Elizabeth II did her job’ by artist Zé Otavio | Art director: Alla Dreyvitser
‘Winter outlook: Another lousy season for D.C. snow lovers’ by artist Rosanna Tasker | Art director: J.C. Reed
‘The Webb telescope is astonishing. But the universe is even more so.’ by artist W.R. | Art director: Stephanie Hays
‘Which fruits and vegetables should and shouldn’t be stored together’ by artist Melanie Lambrick | Art director: Natalie Vineberg
‘‘Diablo IV’ developers work long hours, bracing for impending release’ by artist Rebekka Dunlap | Art director: Kat Rudell-Brooks
‘No, I will not switch airplane seats with you’ by artist Monique Wray | Art director: Clare Ramirez
‘RIP, Choco Taco, a triumph of culinary kid logic’ by artist & art director Alexis Arnold
‘Book club: Fantasy meets Dominican history in ‘Pilar Ramirez’’ by artist Allison Colpoys | Art director: Twila Waddy
‘Visual: Cassidy Hutchinson’s testimony from the Jan. 6 hearing’ by artist Lara Antal | Art director: Rachel Orr
‘The unwritten rights issue’ by artist Rima Day | Art director: Marissa Vonesh
‘These comics show: There is no typical abortion story’ by artist Ana Galvañ | Art director: María Alconada Brooks
‘How women’s lives were different before Roe v. Wade’ by artist Mallory Heyer | Art director: Cece Pascual
‘What will happen to America if Trump wins again? Experts helped us game it out.’ by artist David Szauder | Art director: Marissa Vonesh
‘Your guide to the 2022 midterm elections’ by artist & art director Lucy Naland
‘Ask Dr. Andrea: I always say I want to make big life changes. How can I follow through?’ by artist María Corte | Art director: María Alconada Brooks
‘Spring cleaning 2022’ by artist Dola Sun | Art director: Andy Braford

‘Build your best salad with our custom generator’ by artist Michelle Rohn | Art director: Christine Ashack
‘How Elon Musk became a new kind of celebrity’ by artist Scott Anderson | Art director: Beth Broadwater
‘Twitter king Dril on Musk’s chaotic reign’ by artist & art director Anna Lefkowitz
‘Oven fires and cats in turkeys: Your Thanksgiving cooking disasters’ by artist Tara Jacoby | Art director: Cece Pascual

‘2022 Holiday Gift Guide’ by artist Sean Dong | Art director: Katty Huertas
‘Art with a point: ‘Superhero Movies, Assemble!’’ by artist Dom McKenzie | Art director: Clare Ramirez
‘Why pursue a career in the humanities?’ by artist Ayuko Hoshino | Art director: Christian Font
by artist Kristian Hammerstad | Art director: Beth Broadwater

‘Here’s what our reviewers say about the new Christmas weekend movies’ by artist David De Ramón | Art director: José L. Soto

‘Dads answer: What does it mean to be a man?’ by artist Mark Thomas | Art director: Chelsea Conrad
‘Want to drink less in 2023? These habit-tracking apps can help’ by artist & art director: Elena Lacey
‘Sibylle Berg’s ‘Grime’ is a wicked satire of where we’re headed’ by artist & art director Laura Padilla Castellanos
‘Can this quirky Naval poetry tradition make a comeback?’ by artist Tara Anand | Art director: Brandon Ferrill